Assignment 4 Biotechnology

Interviews- Discussion Question #5 p. 49

1. Briefly explain what Biotechnology means
2. Are you in favor of further Industrial research in this field?
3. Provide at least one reason for your stance on this issue
4. What is your academic major?

Jake, Age 21

Northern VA Community College

1. “I’m not sure but I think it is the use of our knowledge of biology/science in everyday products”.

2. Yes.

3. ” Yes because Biotechnology has resulted in major medical advances in the last decade and will continue to result in medical advances in the coming years”

4. Undecided

Joe, Age 57 (My dad)

Western Kentucky University ’82

1. “The application of engineering principles in finding solutions to problems in the fields of medecine and biology. It is used in the advancements of quality,longevity, and sustainability of life- on this planet and in outer space”.

2. Yes

3. ” We need to research further because, in regards to food, our population is going to cause a demand in food supply; for the poor and undeveloped nations, it could be a tremendous benefit”.

4. Civil Engineering


Freshman girl (not mentioning name for confidentiality purposes)

Age 19, Old Dominion University

1. “I’m not exactly sure what biotechnology really is or can I think of any examples, I always believe technology was only mechanical stuff.”

2. “Sure”

3. “I would like to become a little more aware of what technology really is all about, considering I don’t have a clue about biotechnology. I now believe it’s equally important for everyone to get involved with how technology is growing today.”

4. Communications Major



It appears that with age comes knowledge. Our youngest interviewee appeared to have no knowledge on biotechnology in the least, while our oldest member appeared to be up to date with technology and our society overall. The majors seemed to play a role as well, as the civil engineer was all for continued research in the fields of science and health. Overall as people get older and have more hands on (or academic) experiences with various technology, their opinions and attitudes about the subject shifts as well. In the end, with technology impacting our life in one way or the other, people far and wide seem to agree on the idea of continued research.

Design Documentation

Steps to send an SMS message on an iPhone

1. Select messaging icon

2. Either create new message OR edit an existing message

3. Specify the recipient

4. Type message using keyboard

5. Send message

There could be a flaw anywhere between step 5 and step 6, therefore our group believes a step 5.5 should be implemented into the process of texting. (The pictures below illustrate an iphone sending a message vs. a non-smart phone sending a message; we want to use the idea of  the “cancel” button in the non-smart phone and implement it into the iphone)

Step 5.5 : The option to undo the text message.


(Smart phone sending a message w/o a cancel button)

(non smart phone sending a message w/ a cancel button; the cancel button is the same button that ends a phone call)

Khalid’s individual solution

I think the best solution for fixing our everyday SMS problems would be to include an undo button. Everyone has sent that text that you never meant to send someone and things become really awkward. We can get rid of the risk of akwardness by putting the undo button.

This is the simplest way that we can fix this problem for ALL users. Everyone will know how to use an undo button. Anybody that has used a computer or other electronics should be familiar with the undo button. And it would be a simple click of a button. It is practical and it passes the “how can we make this more compatible for the laziest users test.”

Jerry’s Individual solution

Sorry this is so late. I believe having an undo button for smartphones would be the best solution. I think it should part of the option section in smartphones. That way you can choose if you want your phone to do it or not. This is helpful because if you do txt too quickly and send a txt you didn’t mean to send or something was misspelled (or autocorrected) you can get back the txt within whatever time period you set it for. Apparently you can already download this into your cellphone which I had no clue you could do



Eli’s individual solution

I apologize for being late, but here it is:

SMS Undo is a feature that apparently “undos” a text once it has been sent. I wasn’t aware of this feature myself because nobody ever talked about it before. I believe we should enable having an “undo” feature in the phone from the start, rather than having to search for an app. As Rose puts it, why not simply take most of the old features from older phones and install them in the smart phones? Apparently some old phones already had this feature.


Rose’s individual solution

I do not own a smart a phone but I think there are better ways for them to function. My non smart phone, for example, has the ability to cancel a text message after it has been sent. That can not be done on smart phones. While my phone is outdated and doesn’t have the latest perks, smart phones could use phones like mine in order to function better. Simply put, the ideas and functions of non-smart phones need to be integrated with those of smart phones. We have to be careful to not propose ideas that have already been proposed by experts in this field of technology.

Dillon’s Solution

My solution to the problem of sending unintentional text messages, autocorrect miscorrects, and wrong recipients, is to have an undo feature similar to that of gmail.  You would have a 5 second window where you can simply hit an undo button, and the message will come right back into your texting window.  This would help fix all the problems stated above as well as some I’m sure we haven’t thought of.  Unfortunately, this technology already exists and is available for iPhones and all Nokia phones.  I wonder then, why more people don’t use this app, and why it isn’t more popular.

Tim’s individual solution

I think giving the user the option to undo an SMS message is the best solution. I would use the application feature to do so. Users would be able to download an application that gives them the ability to “undo” SMS messages freely. I believe the auto-correct function should be adjustable as well. As stated in our previous post, sometimes people text too quickly and don’t realize that the auto-correct feature has completely changed the meaning of their message….Here is a source regarding the auto-correct